!±8± RolyPig Rolling Compost Bin
Fun, attractive, efficient compost maker. The RolyPig composter is the easy and fun way to make compost. Compact and completely enclosed, the RolyPig Composter aerates effortlessly and continuously for faster decomposition. New waste is "fed" via the RolyPig's snout. When the first compartment is full (about 3 weeks) you roll your RolyPig onto its next two flat sides, aerating all the contents automatically. Simple, back-saving, and no complicated mechanisms. 12-15 weeks later, your plant-friendly compost appears from (you guessed it) your RolyPig's 'bottom'. Because material flows from one internal compartment to the next and finally into the rear discharge drawer, the RolyPig never becomes full. Rolypigs are made to last and add joy to the composting process. H 32-inches x L 43-inches x W 31-inches.